Don’t panic! If you believe you returned it, let us know by replying directly to the notification emails, stopping by the Circulation desk, or calling us.  It’s possible it slipped through the cracks.

Also, please don’t ignore those emails that come through saying the item is overdue.  Eventually they’ll stop, but that’s not because the issue went away, it’s because you’ve got a large fine sitting on your Portal account.


If the item is actually lost – your dog ate it, it sank to the bottom of the river, etc. – then it’s likely to be cheaper to replace it, but you must work this out with a librarian beforehand to make sure you buy the correct item.  You can contact Conrad Helms (, 240-895-3214) to start this process.  If necessary, you can renew the item online to give yourself some more time to look for or replace the item.

ILLiad Item

If you have a lost or destroyed ILLiad item, you can contact our ILL Technician Brenda Rodgers (, 240-895-4437) and she’ll be able to assist you.

Last Updated: Mar 04, 2019 Views: 79

Answered By: Amanda VerMeulen

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