Try searching our online catalog using the keywords history AND islam AND egypt
Here's an item found using that search:
The great Arab conquests : how the spread of Islam changed the world we live in by Hugh Kennedy.
Location: Stacks Call number: DS38.3 .K46 2007
Here is the table of contents:
Remembrance of things past -- The foundations of conquest -- The conquest of Syria and Palestine -- The conquest of Iraq -- The conquest of Egypt -- The conquest of Iran -- Into the Maghreb -- Crossing the Oxus -- The road to Samarqand -- Furthest east and furthest west -- The war at sea -- Voices of the conquered.
I think this would be a good start. You may be doing some of the contrast work yourself as you learn about the differences in the way Islam entered each country. Be sure the check the bibliography of this book, it may lead you to additional sources.
Last Updated: Aug 11, 2017 Views: 67
Answered By: Veronica Arellano Douglas