Yes! The SMCM Library has a full color Xerox printer available for student use. It costs 10¢ per page, and also does double sided! (FYI: double sided prints are charged by the side, not by the sheet of paper - e.g. one double sided printed sheet costs 20¢.)
Also note that this printer is kept behind the Circulation desk on the first floor, so you will need to ask at the Circulation desk to pick up your print jobs.
How to:
- When printing, select "LibXerox" from the printer dropdown menu
- Print your document, following the same GoPrint prompts
- Go to the Circulation desk and let them know you printed something to the Xerox. They will retrieve your print job for you.
Any questions, please ask at the Circulation or Reference Desk in the library, or email us at
Last Updated: Mar 04, 2019 Views: 280
Answered By: Amanda VerMeulen