SMCM students, faculty, and staff:

  1. Log into a library computer with your SMCM network username and password (hint: it's the same username and password you use for Gmail and Portal)
  2. Print your document
  3. Wait for the GoPrint box to pop up 
  4. Log into GoPrint with your SMCM network username and password
  5. Select the jobs you want to print and select "Pay and Print" - GoPrint will automatically deduct the cost from your balance
  6. Pick up your job at the printer


SMCM community patrons: please ask at the Circulation desk about guest log in and printing.


Having trouble? Check out these FAQs:

Why won't my document print?

Why isn't my print job showing up in GoPrint?

Can I get a refund if there's a problem with printing in the library?

GoPrint account says it's empty / has no funds though it hasn't been used this semester.

How can I add money to my OneCard for printing?



Last Updated: Jul 17, 2024 Views: 1513

Answered By: Amanda VerMeulen

Related FAQs


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